• Posted On Thursday, April 07, 2016 by Robert Smith

    Do you use email to generate leads for your sales team? There's no denying the fact that email is an effective platform on which to market your business. In fact, some businesses rely solely on email to acquire new customers. But if you want to gain any notable level of success using this technique, you'll need to include a few basic elements in your marketing emails.


    Unsubscribe Link

    While the CAN-SPAM Act only requires an unsubscribe link for non-transactional messages, it's a good idea to include it in all of your emails, whether they are transactional in nature or not. Recipients may become frustrated if they cannot unsubscribe to your emails, which may result in them marking your messages as spam. To prevent this from happening, place a clear, easy-to-see unsubscribe link somewhere in your emails.

    Attention-Grabbing Subject Line

    The subject line is arguably the single most important element in a marketing email. This will ultimately be the deciding factor in whether the recipient opens and reads the email or skips it. According to the marketing experts at HubSpot, email subject lines should consist of “actionable” language, incorporating verbs like “take,” “download,” “receive,” “buy,” etc. Actionable language such as this encourages the recipient to take action, which should have a positive impact on your conversion rate.

    Phone Number

    Not every sales lead is going to be ready to purchase right away – and that's okay. Some of them may choose to contact you directly to learn more about your business and what it offers. So, be sure to include a phone number for your business somewhere in your email. Even if the recipient doesn't convert into a paying customer, he or she may still reach out via phone to learn more.


    Being that this is a marketing email, you'll want to include a strong, persuasive language in your message. Among the most common mistakes that marketers and salespersons make in their emails is making them too long. Keep your pitch short and to the point to keep recipients interested; otherwise, they may choose to delete your email without ever reading it.


    Of course, you should also include images in your emails. Numerous studies have shown that emails with images receive a higher level of engagement and more conversions than emails without images. Don't just use a cheesy stock photo, however, but instead use actual photos of your company. Doing so will create a more genuine image of your brand; thus, encouraging recipients to purchase your industrial equipment and/or services.

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