• Posted On Friday, June 03, 2016 by Robert Smith


    Acquiring a list of prospects for your commercial moving business is only half the battle. Unless you actually convert them into paying customers, it's not going to be of much value. But convincing a prospect to buy your commercial moving services isn't always easy. Perhaps they are busy running their own business, or maybe they've chosen a different moving company. So, how can you convert prospects into paying customers?

    Target the Right Prospects 

    Not all prospective commercial moving customers are equal. Some of them may feel more inclined to purchase your services than others – and these are the ones that you'll really want to focus your marketing efforts. When nurturing prospects, make sure they are closely aligned with your moving service. If you only service a particular metropolitan area, city, state, etc., clean up your list of prospects to reflect this geographic limitation.


    Know Your Competition

    How much do similar commercial moving companies in your area charge for their services? What kind of time guarantees (if any) do they offer? Are they currently running any special promotions or discounts? These are just a few questions that you should try to answer. By researching and familiarizing yourself with competing services, you can “one up” them to attract more customer and generate more sales.

    Nurture Prospects

    One of the most common mistakes made by moving salespersons is attempting to sell their service on the initial call/contact with the prospect. Why is this a problem? Well, it's not always a bad idea, but nine of out ten times you'll receive better results by nurturing prospects first. Instead of pitching your commercial moving service during the first conversation, want a while, using this time to nurture and “warm” the prospect up so he or she is more likely to purchase. Even if the prospect does not end up converting, this is a great lead generation tactic.

    Personalize Your Pitch

    Arguably, one of the most effective ways to boost conversion rates with commercial moving sales is to personalize your pitch. Whether you reach out to prospects via the phone, face-to-face meetings, email or smoke signal (okay, maybe not the last one), you'll want to personalize your approach by mentioning the prospect's name and any other information that you know about him or her.

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