• Posted On Thursday, June 30, 2016 by Evan Lamolinara


    Big data is a hot topic for 2016, but how can businesses use data to drive lead generation strategies and customer success?

    It's easier than you may think, especially when it comes to harnessing the power of big data for B2B lead generation. The companies that are able to understand and harness the power to data typically see significantly higher growth rates than those that do not. Targeted sales and marketing data should be a key priority in the lead generation strategies.

    We've compiled the top five ways in which companies use big data applications to improve the bottom line.

    1. Big Data Monitoring

    Never before have businesses had access to "listening tools" such as social media. Traditional data monitoring can be supplemented with industry events and niche news articles, with the aim being to generate targeted campaigns with very specific time frames. For example, if a technology vendor monitors social media activity for keyword phrases within their industry, they gain access to event announcements, sponsorship opportunities and catch phrases that will help their sales teams gain access to potential leads that could not be reached through traditional methods.

    2. 360° Customer Views

    Cognitive search and analytics platforms can take customer data and turn it into a gold mine for sales teams. These advanced platforms can help identify the types of products and services that are used most often, key indicators within the buyer journey and more.

    3. Scalability Planning

    While timing is a large part of the sales process, planning for growth and demand factors are also part of a successful organization. Big data analytics platforms can help your company become more flexible, and will position your product or service directly where potential leads can find it. The shear volume of data available to is so large, that it can be overwhelming; however, the companies that can learn how to harness the power of the data can see exponential growth. 

    4. Access to Business Intelligence Data

    A large part of your company's success is positioning it as an industry thought leader and innovator. Big data analytics platforms can provide information to help your development team create products and services that competitors haven't even considered yet.

    5. Organized CRM

    Traditional CRMs excel at gathering customer data, but CRMs that have advanced analytics technology can be used to segment your sales leads and customer data into actionable insights. In the B2B space, there is a lot of focus on revenue tracking and not enough focus on improving the buyer journey. An organized CRM that turns critical steps of the buyer journey into checklists and real-time tasks will help sales teams spend time on the most lucrative tasks.

    Oftentimes it is not possible for companies to implement a big data analytics platform on their own. This problem can easily be resolved by consulting with a third party vendor who specializes in lead generation. An experienced lead generation service has worked with hundreds of organizations to improve the quality and number of leads, and can provide valuable insight that will save your organization time and resources.


    Want to learn more about how you can leverage data to drive lead generation initiatives? Get in touch with us below!

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