• Posted On Friday, September 11, 2020 by Vince Antoine


    Sales prospecting and lead generation are two cornerstone tactics used by moving companies to generate sales leads and sales. Regardless of size or industry you serve, nearly all moving companies use them to sell their respective products and services. While sales lead prospecting and sales lead generation share some common characteristics, though, they aren't the same. They each involve a unique approach to engaging prospective buyers. For a better understanding of sales prospecting and sales lead generation, including how they differ, let's get started.

    What Is Sales Prospecting?

    Sales prospecting, also known simply as prospecting, is a sales tactic that involves identifying and engaging with prospective buyers who may be interested in buying your moving company's products or services. It's typically performed after sales lead generation. With sales prospecting, you'll communicate with prospective buyers using traditional marketing and sales channels, some of which may include email, phone, social media (LinkedIn), your moving company's website and more.

    The goal of sales prospecting is to fill your moving company's sales pipeline so that you can move prospective buyers through the various stages and, ultimately, convince them to make a purchase. Sales prospecting is a more targeted sales tactic than lead generation. After you've generated leads, you can research them to create personalized and relevant messages for prospecting purposes. You can then reach out to the sales leads via the aforementioned channels with these messages in hopes of moving them through your moving company's sales pipeline.

    What Is Lead Generation?

    Lead generation, on the other hand, is a broader sales tactic that involves acquiring the contact information -- as well as other pertinent information -- about prospective buyers. It's typically performed before sales prospecting. Before you can send relevant and personalized messages to prospective buyers, you'll need to acquire their contact information. This is done through sales lead generation. Lead generation is the process of acquiring information about prospective buyers so that you can engage with sales messages.

    While lead generation can help fill your moving company's pipeline, that's not its main goal. The goal of sales lead generation is to simply acquire the contact information of prospective buyers who may be interested in making a purchase. With this information in hand, you can create personalized and relevant messages to use for sales prospecting.

    Lead generation processes can be defined as either inbound or outbound. Inbound lead generation processes are characterized by their indirect nature. They don't actively seek out prospective buyers. Rather, they pique the interest of prospective buyers so that they willing to contact you or your moving company and give their contact information. Outbound lead generation processes are more direct. They focus around Blog Article contacting prospective buyers to acquire their contact information.

    Lead Generation Tips

    You'll need to use the right channels for a successful lead generation strategy. In the moving industry, few channels are as effective as LinkedIn. Research shows that roughly four in five of all B2B leads are generated on LinkedIn. Some B2B sales reps assume that Facebook is more effective because it reaches a larger audience. While Facebook may have more users, though, it fails to drive the same number of leads as LinkedIn. This is due to the fact that LinkedIn is designed specifically for business owners and professionals, whereas Facebook is designed for everyone. Therefore, you should use LinkedIn when generating leads for your moving company.

    Of course, you can use content marketing to generate sales leads as well. Content marketing is an inbound lead generation process. When you publish contact that's valuable to prospective buyers, they may contact your moving company to inquire about its products or services.

    Keep in mind that the quality of your leads is more important than the quantity. You may generate hundreds or thousands of leads in a short period, but if they all have little or no interest in your moving company's products or services, they won't translate into sales. As a result, you should strive to generate high-quality leads for a successful sales strategy.

    One way to get better quality sales leads is to use SalesLeads' Project Reports. The difference is easy. The Project Reports have been tracked and researched by our researchers, making these sales leads identified projects. We also provide the project contacts with full name, email, phone number and other pertinent information. In addition, you get a project description of what the company is looking to accomplish.

    Sales Prospecting Tips

    When performing sales prospecting, you should create personalized and relevant sales messages. Personalization involves tailoring a sales message to a specific buyer. Furthermore, personalization is easier than you may realize. You don't need to know a ton of information about prospective buyers to create a personalized message; all you need to know is their names. Personalizing a call or email with a prospective buyer's name will immediately strike a connection with him or her that increases the chance of moving the prospective buyer through your B2B company's sales funnel.

    Another sales prospecting tip is to contact prospective buyers immediately after acquiring them as a sales lead. The longer you wait to contact a prospective buyer, the lower your chances of securing him or her as a buyer. Time is of the essence when performing sales prospecting. You need to contact them as soon as possible. Otherwise, they may choose a competing company's product or service. If this occurs, you won't land them as a buyer.

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