• Posted On Monday, January 01, 0001

    Linkedin G6f566e88b 640

    LinkedIn has become a popular platform for B2B companies. According to HubSpot, it's nearly three times as effective for B2B lead generation than all other social media networks. This is because LinkedIn focuses on professional networking. It's a platform where business owners, employees and other professionals can connect with other each. As a B2B owner, you can use this to your advantage by investing in LinkedIn's paid advertising services. Here are five ways to advertise your B2B company on LinkedIn and generate more leads.

    #1) Targeted Page Posts

    You can use Targeted Page Posts to advertise your B2B company on LinkedIn. Creating a LinkedIn Company Page is one of the easiest ways to spread the word about your B2B company and attract prospective buyers. Company Pages, of course, are profiles on LinkedIn that represent a business. Individuals can create traditional profiles, whereas businesses can create Company Pages.

    Targeted Page Posts consist of organic Company Page content that targets a specific audience on LinkedIn. LinkedIn will target users based on your followers' data, including the size of their respective business, seniority, geographic location, language and more. Users who match these characteristics may see your Targeted Page Posts in their feeds. Targeted Page Posts are free, making them a popular advertising option for B2B companies on a budget.

    #2) Sponsored Content

    In addition to Targeted Page Posts, you can use Sponsored Content to advertise your B2B company on LinkedIn. Sponsored Content is similar to Targeted Page Posts. They both involve the creation of content for a Company Page. The difference is that Targeted Page Posts are free, whereas Sponsored Content is a form of paid advertising.

    Why should you choose Sponsored Content over Targeted Page Posts exactly? With Sponsored Content, you'll be able to reach more users. LinkedIn has over 137 million active users in the United States, according to Sprout Social. Targeted Page Posts, though, have a limited reach. You may generate some impressions and leads from Targeted Page Posts, but it will likely pale in comparison to Sponsored Content. Sponsored Content will allow you to pay to reach more users with your Company Page content.

    You can create Sponsored Content in the following formats:

    • Single image
    • Carousel
    • Single job
    • Event
    • Video

    #3) Boosted Posts

    Another way to advertise your B2B company on LinkedIn is to boost your Page Posts. Post boosting is a paid advertising service. If you're familiar with Facebook's post-boosting option, you'll feel right at home using it. It will essentially turn an organic post into a sponsored post. Organic posts are free posts that you publish on your Company Page. You don't have to pay to publish organic posts. But if a post isn't performing well -- or if you simply want more users to see it -- you can boost it. Boosting will convert the post into a sponsored post so that it reaches more users and generates more leads for your B2B company.

    To boost a page, access the "My pages" tab on LinkedIn and choose your Company Page. Find the post that you want to boost and click the "Boost" button. LinkedIn will then prompt you to choose an objective and an audience. For the audience, you can select either profile based, interests based, an audience template or a saved targeting template. You'll also have to choose a start date, an end date and a budget for the boosted post. When finished, click "Boost." LinkedIn will then boost the post so that more users see it.

    #4) Text Ads

    You can always use Text Ads to advertise your B2B company on LinkedIn. They are displayed in the right-hand column of LinkedIn's desktop client. When browsing LinkedIn on a desktop computer, users will see them in the right-hand column. While they are all displayed in the same area, though, Text Ads support different formats. There are four different formats in which you can create them: square, tall, horizontal and long.

    Text Ads allow you to choose a specific audience to target. If you're looking to generate more leads, you can specify users who match your B2B company's ideal buyer profile, such as high-level decision-makers in a particular industry and geographic region. You can also use Text Ads to drive traffic to a landing page. Many B2B companies use appointment setting landing pages in conjunction with Text Ads. They create landing pages where users can book an appointment to talk to a sales rep. B2B companies can then link their Text Ads to these landing pages. Regardless, you can't go wrong with Text Ads. They offer a versatile, cost-effective way to advertise your B2B company on LinkedIn.

    #5) Message Ads

    Even if you're familiar with Text Ads on LinkedIn, you might be unfamiliar with Message Ads. Message Ads allow you to reach users' inboxes with your promotional messages. Like most social media networks, LinkedIn has a messaging system. You can send messages to other users, and they can send messages to you. Message Ads leverage LinkedIn's native messaging system as a paid advertising option.

    Users will see your Message Ads while they are checking their inboxes on LinkedIn. Message Ads are displayed on both mobile and desktop devices, and they are delivered in real time. On desktop devices, they consist of a text and banner image. On mobile devices, Message Ads consist entirely of text. To get started with Message Ads, choose the option to create a new advertising campaign and select "Message Ad" for the format. Keep in mind that Message Ads are limited to LinkedIn; they won't be served to partner websites on the LinkedIn Audience Network.

    In Conclusion

    LinkedIn offers several advanced targeting options, allowing advertisers to target their ads based on job title, company size, industry, location and more. This helps B2B companies reach their target audience more effectively. But if you're going to use it to promote your B2B company, you'll need to choose the right advertising option. LinkedIn supports Targeted Page Posts, Sponsored Content, Boosted Posts, Text Ads and message Ads.

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